While I Was Gone Book Haul

During my “break”, I’ve picked up a few books from my local thrift shop and BAM. I don’t remember which book I got first and which one I got last , but I don’t think that will be a huge deal.


The winnings!

The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemingway

My mum talks about The Old Man and the Sea and her favorite English teacher all the time. So, I decided to go to BAM and get a copy, even though I have all of Hemingway’s work in one big hardback from Barnes and Noble.

Brain On Fire – Susannah Cahalan

I think that this book wanted me to buy it. When I went to BAM I noticed that the book was in the cooking section. Then I moved to the YA section and guess who was there… Brain On Fire by Susannah Cahalan. I thought nothing of it until I went to the fiction section and there was about five of them left on the shelve. Right when I picked it up to read the back, my mum comes up behind me and says that I need to get something that was $15 or more, so she could use a coupon. And look who was $16…. Brain On Fire. 

Cloud Atlas – David Mitchell

The first sentence on the back of the book says, “Six interlocking  lives – one amazing adventure.” I didn’t have to read anymore  because I was sold just from that. I think it’s because I like things that connects people together, kind of like that one movie that had Bradley Cooper and Julia Roberts in it.

Oh, and my copy of Cloud Atlas has this really cool stamp in the inside of it. It says, “Shakespeare and Company  Kilometer Zero Paris.” Oh la la…

Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden

About a month or two ago, I watched this really cool documentary on a girl who wanted to become a geisha, and it kind of sparked my interest surrounding the culture. So, when I saw Memoirs of a Geisha at the thrift store, I instantly thought about the film and I picked it and quickly placed it in my cart.

Death Note – Tsugumi Ohba

Funny story. When I was 11, my dad told me I couldn’t buy anymore mangas because they “weren’t educational”. Yeah, it sucked because 1) I never finished Kitchen Princess and 2) I wanted to read Death Note. Now, 6 long years later, I finally have Volumes 1 and 2 of Death Note…in the Black Edition. Take that dad!

Reading Lolita in Tehran – Azar Nafisi

I don’t really remember buying this book, but I do know that I tried to read it a couple of days after I got it and I noticed that there were no quotation marks.

The Cuckoo’s Calling – Robert Galbraith

Yes, I know this book is made by “You Know Who”, but I still like to think that Galbraith is a real person and this is his first novel.

House of Leaves – Mark Z. Danielewski

Yes, I finally got House of Leaves. And yes, I spent $20 on a book and I don’t even know what it’s about, but that’s the fun of it I guess. I hope to sit down and read this during my winter holiday because it’s been on my night-stand for too long!

The Book Thief – Markus Zusak

This book isn’t in the photo because I just received it from my cousin. This is another book that I hope to read before going back to school, since it oddly feels like a winter type of story to me.

– Ryann


I almost forgot! I noticed that in the picture  The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami is shown. Don’t worry I didn’t buy a new copy, I just forgot that I talked about it in a previous post.


The Direction of WordNerdism

Even though I’m on holiday, I still have a lot of homework and studying to do, but I thought that I would just type something up real quick before I start an essay. In my post “The Game Plan”, I talked a little about the last post of this blog and starting over with a new one for 2014. Well, I changed my mind and I’m deciding to just keep this blog, but there will be changes coming on January 1. I will be branching out and doing different things (how-to’s, movie reviews, photos, etc.) along with my book reviews. Also, I’m trying to come up with a schedule, now that I kind of have a clue about how college works I think that I can fit blogging in. Oh, and I have some posts that I’m editing at the moment, so I hope that I can finish them before I go back to school.

Later guys,

– Ryann

The Game Plan.

After thinking about the direction of my blog, I have made a very small and very simple list.

1. Make an update post (coming soon)

2. Try to post at least once a week

3. Last WordNerdism post on December 31, 2013

4. Start new blog on January 1, 2014.


I’ll explain the last two points when I write my update post!


Best. Deal. EVER!

Hey gang! I know, long time no post, but with starting college and trying to understand what my Philosophy textbook is saying,I had to put some stuff off. And by stuff I mostly mean my blog. Anyway, I thought I would pop on in and tell you about a great deal I got today.

As usual I went to the thrift shop (1/2 Off Wednesday) to do what I do best… look for some good CDs and maybe find House of Leaves. And as usual I found nothing in the CD section, so I made my way to the books in hopes of finding House of Leaves or any other book that catches my eye. So, I’m walking and walking until I see it. It’s not House of Leaves, but its two out of three books in a trilogy and its extra book. A series that I have wanted to read since the old covers. I found Pretties, Specials, and Extras by Scott Westerfeld, all brand new.

First thing that came to my mind was, “What idiot would get rid of these books?!”

Second thing that came to my mind was, “What idiot would get rid of these books and not include Uglies?!”

And the last thing that came to my mind was, “Why are you asking all these questions? Get the books you idiot, you can get the first one at BAM!”

I grabbed those books and ran. Okay, I didn’t run, but I did walk somewhat quickly to the check-out line and my total came up to around $6. Best deal ever!


P.S. I did go to BAM and I picked up the first book after I left the Salvation Army. Then I went to Mom’s and picked up some hummus. #BESTDEALEVER #BESTDAYEVER

P.S.S I’ll never do “hashtags” again. Promise…


Questions of the Day (4 & 5)

Today was the first day of school for some, so I was wondering two things:

1. What are your goals for this school year?


2. What book did you take with you to school?

I start school next week, but I know that I want to make a 3.6 or better for the whole school year and I don’t know what book I’m going to take on the first day. It’s between Soulless by Gail Carriger and Headhunters by Jo Nesbo.

– Ryann


Four things.

1. I’m alive.

As you see I’m still on Earth. I haven’t put up a post because of major writer’s block and pure laziness. Whenever I logged onto my account to write my review for Push this happened:

Okay, I’m going to write this review today and post it!

20 minutes later…

I can’t come up with anything… maybe tomorrow.

The next day…

I don’t feel like writing today, but I do feel like watching Being Flynn again!

Yep. It went something like that for about two weeks. But, during one of my lazy sessions I did do something to my blog.

2. Purple/Goodreads

I changed the color of the layout. It is now purple. I don’t know why I picked that color, but I like it and I think it goes well with the red WordNerdism title. Also, I synced my Goodreads account to my blog, so now you can see what I’m reading.

3. July Wrap Up

Two books. Push and Alone: The Girl in the Box – Book 1. That’s all that I read during the hot month of July. I will not be reviewing these books.

Okay, who am I kidding; a review for both should be up soon.

4. Relapse

Remember when I said that I wasn’t going to buy anymore new books until I finish the ones I own now. Well… I kind of have two new books. The first book I picked up was The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova and I got it from a Dollar General for $5. I thought the cover was beautiful and I liked what the back of the book had to say. The second book I bought was The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami and it was $15 at BAM. I told myself I wasn’t going to buy it, but I read the back of the book and I wanted to know what was going to happen… It seems like reading the back of any book always gets me. Sad, but true.

That’s all for this post. See you on Friday Word Scouts. I’m off to read or watch Titanic.


Book Rehab and $8 Haul

Before I talk about me “checking into book rehab”, I want to share the books I bought today. I went to the thrift shop and picked up four books for $8.

 I remember my cousin saying that this book was great, so I thought I would give it a try.

 I’ve never heard of this book before, but the cover caught my attention and after reading the first page, I knew that this book was coming with me.

 I always wanted to read this book ever since I saw the movie, but I could never find it at BAM.

 There are so many rave reviews for this book, so when I saw it I knew I had to buy it and see if it was any good.

This was all that I bought, but this little bundle of books made me see that I had a problem. A book buying problem. So, for now on I cannot buy any books until I finish all the ones I have now. Hopefully, I can be strong and get through all my books… but if I see House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, I might have to relapse. Just saying.

– Ryann

QotD #3 – Do you have a book buying problem?